May 20, 2024

The Oregon Stadium Campaign: The Johnny Pesky Interview

August 13, 2012 by · Leave a Comment 

Editor’s Note: The following is an interview conducted by my buddy Maury Brown, a fellow baseball fanatic and Oregonian and Baseball Prospectus columnist, in 2006.

Is there such a thing as royalty in baseball? Probably not (although you could probably make a case for someone in cricket, but I digress).

Are there some players that are the noble aspiration of what we all wish we could be? And, are there those that epitomize what we see as being what a baseball player should be like? If so, Johnny Pesky would have to be one of them.

He is Mr. Red Sox. He was, as Ted Williams called him, “Needle Nose”. He is the Ambassador of the Red Sox. He was “Pesky” and now is Pesky (he changed his name legally in 1947).

Read the rest here.

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