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After seeing how crazy of an idea the 2012 Wild-card Play-in game was, I decided that if it was here to stay, then it should be expanded to 15 Play-in games. This way, MLB teams would play 162 games to determine their opponent in a single elimination Play-in game series with the last two teams […]
Filed under General · Tagged with All Star Game, Bud Selig, Commissioner Of Baseball, Electronic Scoreboard, First Chance, Fox Sports, Fox Television, Game Series, Local Team, Local Time, Marvin Miller, MLB, Mlb Teams, One Of The Lucky Ones, Opponent, Patrons, Suspense, Teammate, Wild Card, World Series
Today is Bill Veeck Day. It is the day that Paul Dickson’s biography of Bill Veeck is officially released, the day “Sport Shirt Bill” is back with us once again. Like a bad penny, he has returned. It is something he himself said often, as he bounced between Wrigley Field and Comiskey, forever part of […]
Filed under General · Tagged with Abe Lincoln, Affections, African Americans, Apology, Ardent Advocate, Attempts, Bad Penny, Baltimore Orioles, Baseball Attendance, Baseball History, Baseball World, Bill Veeck, Bleachers, Bougainville Island, Center Stage, Chicago Scene, Civil Rights, Collective Ownership, Comiskey, Commissioner Of Baseball, Communism, Controversy, Cooperstown Library, Denial, Eastern Shore, Eddie Gaedel, Eloquence, First Wife, Gun Control, Hank Greenberg, Having A Beer, Intense Pain, Judge Landis, Junctures, Landis, Larry Doby, Lary Doby, Magical Moments, Major League Baseball, Maverick, Metaphor, Minnie Minoso, Mome, Multitude, Paul Dickson, Paul Robeson, Philadelphia Phillies, Sabr Members, Satchel Paige, Social Activist, Social Issues, Sport Shirt, Vietnam War, War Hero, Warts, Washington Senators, Winter Baseball, Winter Baseball Meetings, Wrigley Field
The St. Louis Cardinals are in the Rose Garden soon for the customary victory lap stop-over at the White House. It will be a rare baseball event for President Obama, and that is a sad commentary for both the game and for a president whose political advisors are so clearly asleep at the switch. Presidents […]
Filed under A View from the Capital, Features, General, Top Stories · Tagged with 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Apple Pie, Auditory Senses, Barack Obama, Baseball Baseball, Baseball Event, Baseball Game, Baseball Season, Box Scores, Bud Selig, Calvin Coolidge, Colloquial Term, Commissioner Of Baseball, Decent Team, Dick Cheney, Ear Shot, Earshot, Election Year, Ellipse, Emotional Moment, Everyday Kind, George Bush, Griffith Stadium, Larry Summers, Lunch Bucket, Middle Earth, Missing In Action, Mr President, National Pastime, National Popularity, Night Sky, Obama, Opening Day, Oven Thermometer, Photo Opportunity, Prince Of Darkness, Proud Tradition, Richard Nixon, Rose Garden, Rue The Day, Sad Commentary, Sports Program, St Louis Cardinals, Strasburg, Upholding Tradition, Victory Lap, Walter Johnson, Washingtonian, Wind Surfing, Window Of Opportunity, World Series Game
My friend Doug Gladstone, author of A Bitter Cup of Coffee: How MLB and The Players Association Threw 874 Retirees a Curve, has been championing the cause of MLB players who retired between 1947 and 1980 and who didn’t qualify for a pension if they had less than four years of service time. It looks […]
Filed under General · Tagged with Atlanta Braves, Baseball Commissioner, Baseball Players Association, Benefit Plan, Bud Selig, Commissioner Of Baseball, First Baseman, Friend Doug, League Baseball Players, Major League Baseball, Major League Baseball Players, Major League Baseball Players Association, Michael Weiner, Mlb Players, Mlbpa, Office Of The Commissioner Of Baseball, Pension Benefit, Retirement Benefits, Rob Manfred, Texas Rangers
On August 26, 1943, 48-year-old Babe Ruth hit a home run off 43-year-old Walter Johnson into the right field stands at the Polo Grounds. The blast – one of the last by the Babe – was witnessed by 35,000 fans and helped raise $800 million in War Bonds. Organized by the long-since defunct New York […]
Filed under General · Tagged with Actors And Singers, Babe Ruth, Baseball Writers, Bill Klem, Billy Hitchcock, Commissioner Of Baseball, Connie Mack, Danny Murtaugh, Enos Slaughter, George Sisler, Hall Of Famers, Hank Greenberg, Honus Wagner, New Cumberland, Old Babe, Polo Grounds, Roger Bresnahan, Sid Feder, Tris Speaker, War Bonds