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Nationals fans, management and players are all seeing just what a great and phenomenal talent can do to transform a team. Â Strasburg left everyone breathless for more, but although some see Bryce Harper as Strasburg, Part Deux, few believe Harper will get as big a bonus for signing in Washington. Â Opportunity cost analysis says the […]
Filed under General · Tagged with Attractive Options, Ball Game, Best Bet, Bleacher Report, Bonus, Bryce, Committal, Consensus, Dan Uggla, Debut Game, Deep Pool, Draf, Fish, Free Agent, Free Agents, Giving Interviews, Glitterati, Gm, Major League, Maturity, Mike Rizzo, Money, Nationals, Opportunity Cost, Opportunity Costs, Parents, Phenomenal Talent, Quotes, Relative Value, Right Fielder, Salary, Second Baseman, Sideline, Signs, Sinks, Smart, Spending Money, Strasburg, Trade Markets, Trades, Washington Nationals, West Coast, Young Man