May 20, 2024

Film of the Washington Senators Winning the 1924 World Series Found!

October 3, 2014 by · 1 Comment 

Here’s a great article written by Mike Mashon that explains how eight cans of nitrate film were discovered in the rafters of a Worcester, Massachusetts garage and restored.  This is alleged to be the only known footage of the Washington Senators’ victory over the New York Giants in the 1924 World Series.


One Response to “Film of the Washington Senators Winning the 1924 World Series Found!”
  1. Mike says:

    Great! What a treat to see game footage of the storied ’24 Series. To see the Big Train slinging that fast one in there. And the last play, where the bad hop grounder scored the winning run! Would have liked to have seen the actual bounce over Lindstrom’s head, though. Still, a wonderful find.

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