February 7, 2025

An Interview with MLB Commissioner Selig

August 22, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

Hey baseball fans! Today I have a very special interview for you. One of my biggest ones yet. It’s with a very famous baseball figure and someone who I am very honored to have interviewed via email. He used to be the owner of the Brewers, but he is currently the Commissioner of Major League […]

John Thorn and Baseball in the Garden of Eden: The Secret History of the Early Game

April 11, 2011 by · 2 Comments 

March 2011 was an interesting month concerning author and historian John Thorn. The same can be said for enthusiasts of baseball’s origins and how the game evolved during the 19th Century. On March 1, Commissioner Bud Selig named Thorn the Official Baseball Historian of Major League Baseball, a post held by only one other person—“the […]

John Thorn, New Official Baseball Historian of MLB, to Appear Monday on “What’s On Second” Podcast

March 4, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

I’m pleased to announce that my friend and colleague, John Thorn, who was recently named Major League Baseball’s Official Historian, will appear on “What’s On Second: The Seamheads.com Radio Hour” on Monday, March 7 at approximately 9:10 PM EST.  “What’s On Second” runs on Blog Talk Radio from 9:00-10:00 PM EST every Monday on the […]

Con una basta (One run is enough)

July 21, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

Los juegos que se deciden con marcador 1-0 guardan una intensidad emocional, tras cada jugada que crece a través de los innings, el esfuerzo de los lanzadores es más notorio y en cada jugada al campo reverbera la posibilidad de que alguna marfilada pueda estropear la magia de los pitchers.

Lower the Mound or Raise the Players

July 14, 2010 by · 2 Comments 

The score was 1 – 0 heading into the seventh inning in last night’s All Star Game before the NL broke through for three runs.  The low score became an issue this morning after the TV ratings were released.  They were lower than any since 1972.  What does it say?  It is reminiscent of the […]

Dousing the Flames

May 26, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

My, have the one-time accessories known as pitchers evolved. You see, when baseball began, pitchers served as a launching pad for batters’ rockets. Standing 50 feet from their counterpart, only a few moments snuck by before their rockets went up, up and away on contact. As recently as 1980, relievers milled around in the shadows. […]

Another Great Story Bites The Dust

February 27, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

At the 2008 SABR convention, baseball historian Norman Macht gave a fascinating one-hour presentation on the pitfalls of accepting great stories as true simply because they sound great. He discussed several classics, including one involving Lefty Grove that was attested to by several eyewitnesses, all of whom happened to be mistaken because the events detailed […]