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In the midst of a dark and all-too predictable world, Rickwood Field became a beacon. Birthed out of a conversation with Connie Mack, the ballpark started with a handful of rivals but outlasted each of them to stand peerless. Read Allen Barra’s “Rickwood Field: A Century in America‒s Oldest Ballpark“ because: 1. Similar to last […]
Filed under Book Review · Tagged with Allen Barra, Birmingham Barons, Birmingham News, Blacks And Whites, Bull Durham, Chicken Wire, Connie Mack, Crosley Field, Dizzy Dean, Eddie Glennon, Employee Morale, Family Business, Forbes Field, Louisville Slugger, Nook And Cranny, Opening Day, Patriotic Citizens, Pip, Piper Davis, Reggie Jackson, Rickwood Field, Ron Shelton, S Vision, Satchel Paige, Shibe Park, Ty Cobb, White Man, White Men, Willie Mays, Woodward
Nowadays, it’s difficult to think of baseball players without talk of steroids, performance enhancers, or at least strength training. More than a century ago, however, raw skill and equipment formed a power-packed duo that dictated a player’s success. “Sweet Spot: 125 Years of Baseball and the Louisville Slugger” by David Magee and Philip Shirley is […]
Filed under Book Review, General · Tagged with Babe Ruth, Baseball Players, David Magee, Fenway Park, Hillerich, Honus Wagner, Jim Thome, Ken Griffey Jr, Louisville Slugger, Louisville Slugger Bat, National Pastime, New York Yankees, Performance Enhancers, Pete Browning, Pitch Man, Professional Sports, Seattle Mariners, Sorting Through Piles, Splendid Splinter, Stan Musial, Strength Training, Sweet Spot, Sweet Swing, ted williams, The Splendid Splinter, Ty Cobb, Woodwork, Wrigley Field, Yankee Pinstripes